Saturday, December 17, 2011

DIY I-Spy Ornament for Kids

For those that travel during the holidays with children, you know how difficult it can be to keep kids entertained. Having little games they can play to keep themselves busy is almost a necessity.

This is a great use for any of these crafty ornaments you may have leftover. Depending on the age of the child, you're going to want to use different types of ornaments. Younger kids probably shouldn't have glass ornaments. I have seen plastic ornaments at Michael's that would be more appropriate. I did a pretty simple version just to get the idea across. Plus it came out pretty enough to hang if I wanted to.

- ornament (alternatively, I've seen this done in mason jars for a more difficult and time consuming game)
- Filler beads (or rice in mason jar - for mine I used plastic pearls and plastic metallic beads)
- items to find (you can get pretty creative - I used charms and other miniature items I had laying around in my crafting supplies for mine)
- Hot glue gun and glue


Step 1: make a list of what items you are going to put in your ornament or jar before putting everything in it.

Step 2: Take the top metal part off ornament (or lid off jar) and add beads and items.

Step 3: glue metal piece (or lid on jar) on to ornament using hot glue. Be careful! The metal will be hot.

Step 4: give to child, stuff in stocking, play a quick game yourself.... it's up to you!

Found the keys and the heart!

And now the feet and snowflake...

And it's so pretty!!!


  1. So cute!

    Saying hi from Etsy:

  2. Thanks for the comment SisterBatik. I am now following your blog =)

    1. very pretty , we did this with bird seed and plastic drink bottle, of course not as pretty as the ball and beads. Thanks for sharing. Dolores O. Moore

  3. JULY 14,2013

    I have done this with White Sand and some real Small Sea Shell's ( colored ones) and hung them on the
    tree and they were real pretty. Letha

  4. I'm going to try this, but using some of my mom's old jewelry. What a way to remember her by. Thank you.

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  6. This is such a creative idea for keeping kids entertained on trips.
