Saturday, December 10, 2011

DIY Memory Wire Crystal Bracelet

Like it? Don't wanna make it? Buy it here.

Using memory wire is a great way to make bracelets and other jewelry easily and really quickly. Plus, it requires fewer materials than other jewelry making methods. These bracelets fit most wrists. I have extremely small wrists, which can make finding bracelets that fit difficult, so it's nice to be able to make jewelry that fits correctly.

DIY Memory Wire Bracelets:

- Memory wire, bracelet size
- Crystal beads, or whatever beads you'd like to use (I used a couple tones of purple)
- a pair of chain-nose pliers (and a pair of a pair of wire cutters if you don't have any built in to your pliers).


Step one: Cut memory wire so that you have three full loops of wire. Using chain-nose pliers, grip one end of wire and turn it over so you have a small loop (see photo).

Step two: Pinch loop with pliers to close. This end will keep beads from falling off.

Step three: Add beads to the open end and move them along wire to the closed end. I didn't do a pattern with the different purples on mine, I just added them randomly and I liked the way it came out.

Step four: Make sure you have some room on the end to close the wire and to leave a little bit of slack for the beads to move around. If you put too many beads on, some may break when you try to put the bracelet on. I left about a quarter inch of room on the end plus room to close the wire off. Once you're done adding beads, close the ending off using the same method as above. That's it!

Like it? Don't wanna make it? Buy it here.


  1. Very cute & simple.. Question.. The memory wire.. how is it different than regular wire? An/or can regular wire be used?

  2. Memory wire will keep shape and is best used for this project. Beading wire is very different. It does not hold it's shape and you need other materials to finish the bracelet. Normal beading wire will require a clasp whereas memory wire doesn't.

    In terms of regular wire, I'm not sure what type you are talking about. You'd need a wire that holds its form and that is the correct size for a bracelet. I'm not sure if there is a way to use tools to make it a certain size but it seems like it would be difficult.

    Memory wire is relatively cheap. I got a bunch at Michael's for under $5.

    I hope I answered your question. If not, let me know and I will try to clarify further.

    Thanks for the comment!

  3. Great tutorial!!

  4. nice tutorial I love the memory wire it so much easyer thank you!!

  5. I love crystal jewelry, including crystal pendants, fashion rings, crystal necklaces and so on. Collected a lot at home. Very happy to see them.

  6. I love this project! Just shared it in a DIY Crystal Jewelry round-up!

  7. Cool stuff you have got and you keep update all of us. Crystal Pendants

  8. Using memory wire is a great way to make bracelets and other jewelry easily and really quickly. Plus, it requires fewer materials than other jewelry making methods. These bracelets fit most wrists. I have extremely small wrists, which can make finding bracelets that fit difficult, so it's nice to be able to make jewelry that fits correctly.
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